Form for the Detention in Custody of an Accused Person.

(Section 167 code of Criminal Procedure)


The Superintendent,

Sub Jail, Kanchipuram.

Where a (It appears that a charge against …………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………….… of an offence …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………….…………… is under

investigation by the police under the provision of chapter XIV of the code of criminal procedure that such investigation cannot be completed with in the  period of 24 hours fixed by section 61 and that there are grounds for believing that the accusation, information against the said person is will founded and the accused having been duly forwarded to this court, this is authorize you to detain the said ………………………………………….                                                                                                             in custody

from               days (              ) and the to cause him to be produced before this court sitting at Kanchipuram on the                                                               day of                200          at 10.30 am.

Descriptive Roll.

1. Name :

2. Father’s / Hushband’s Name :

3. Sex Married or Single :

4. Race religion an case :

5. Previous occupation :

6. Age               Years :

7. Descriptive marks : 1.


Give under my hand and the seal of the court this the day of

Judicial Magistrate No-1,
